Resolution to Approve a Contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the Federal Commerce Green Sidewalk Gap Project ($250,000.00)
Attached for your review and consideration, please find a resolution to approve a contract between the City of Ann Arbor and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for the construction phase of the Federal Commerce Green Sidewalk Gap Project. The agreement prescribes the cost sharing of the construction, as well as each party's rights and responsibilities, and is required for the project to receive its share of federal funding from the Surface Transportation Program (STP).
In accordance with the City's Non-Motorized Plan and Complete Streets approach, the City proposes installing a new sidewalk to close gaps and provide a continuous pedestrian connection along the north side of Federal / Commerce Drives between Stadium and 2030 Commerce Drive, and along the west side of Green Road from Burbank Drive to Gettysburg Road.
Sidewalk construction is expected to begin on or after August 20, 2018 and be completed by November 1, 2018.
The City submitted completed plans to MDOT in January of 2018, and the project was advertised in February for an April 6, 2018 MDOT bid letting. This memorandum and resolution were prepared prior to the letting date, so bids were not available. MDOT will award a contract to the qualified low bidder and administer the contract. The City will act as the project engineer. Further information on the history of this project can be found on the project web page at:
Budget/Fiscal Impact
The Engineer's estimate for the project's construction is $391,226.50. The estimated total cost of the project is $577,000. In total, the City will be receiving approximately $250,000 in Federal funds for this project. The federal funding will be used to fund participating con...
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