Resolution to Appropriate Contributed Funding ($3,081,000.00) and Award a Construction Contract to Fonson Company, Inc. for the North Fifth Avenue Reconstruction Project ($3,681,257.90, Bid No. ITB-4519) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to award a contract to Fonson Company, Inc. in the amount of $3,681,257.90 for the North Fifth Avenue Reconstruction project.
This project will reconstruct North Fifth Avenue between Catherine and East Kingsley Streets, and Detroit Street between North Fifth Avenue and East Kingsley Street. The project will include brick paver replacement; approximately 2,000 feet of 6-inch water main replacement with 12-inch water main; storm water infiltration and storm sewer replacement; sidewalk and ramp replacement; crosswalk improvements; streetlight replacement; and extensive streetscape improvements.
This project is a partnership with the Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority (DDA). During the design phase, the DDA, working with the City, hired an engineering consulting firm to design the project and prepare plans and specifications. The City and DDA entered an agreement by which the City paid the DDA a share of the cost for the design phase of the project. Now that the project is moving into the construction phase, the City is taking the lead on the construction and contract management for the project, and a separate agreement with the DDA that outlines the cost sharing arrangement for this phase of the project will be executed. The cost sharing agreement is being brought to Council for approval in a separate Resolution.
In response to the Invitation To Bid (ITB-4519), two (2) bids were received on Thursday, January 11, 2018. The low bid from Fonson Company, Inc. of $3,681,257.90 is approximately $1,736,770 under the Engineer's Estimate. It appears that the consultant's estimate of the project cost was high due to some items of work being challenging to develop costs for, as...
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