Resolution to Accept an Easement for Public Nonmotorized and Pedestrian Travel Over 3380 Nixon Road FKA Woodbury Club NKA The Annex from BRE Nixon Road Associates, LLC (8 Votes Required)
Pursuant to Item (P-8) of the Woodbury Club Development Agreement approved by Council on September 6, 2016 in Resolution R-16-356, a variable width pedestrian easement was to be given to the City for access to the public park which will be known as a portion of Oakwoods Nature Area. This easement was executed at and recorded pursuant to the closing wherein BRE Nixon Road Associates, LLC, deeded the parkland property to the City as approved by Council on May 2, 2016 in Resolution R-16-173. A separate resolution to accept this easement was not sent to Council at the time of closing and is now being submitted for acceptance in accordance with Item (P-8) of the Development Agreement. This easement is in standard form and is conveyed without cost to the City. Acceptance of this easement is recommended.
Prepared by: Michele Yanga, Legal Assistant
Reviewed by: Mary Joan Fales, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, BRE Nixon Road Associates, LLC, a Michigan limited liability company, is the owner of property commonly known as 3380 Nixon Road, formerly known as Woodbury Club, now known as The Annex, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105, described at Liber 4948, Page 180 of Deeds, Washtenaw County Records; and
Whereas, BRE Nixon Road Associates, LLC has signed a grant of easement for public nonmotorized and pedestrian travel and appurtenances thereto, described as:
Commencing at the S 1 / 4 Corner of Section 10, T2S, R6E, City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan; thence N 89?56'13" E 1316.52 feet along the South line of said Section 10; thence N 00?11 '20" W 1622.91 feet along the West line of the E 1 /2 of the SE 1 / 4 of said Section 10 and the centerline of Nixon Road (variable width); thence ...
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