Resolution to Approve the Purchase of Property located at 3015 Miller Road Owned by the Donald T. Botsford Trust, Approve a Participation Agreement with Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation, Scio Township, and Forestcove Associates, LLC; Amend a Conservation Easement Held by Scio Township on a Portion of the Donald Botsford Trust Property; and Appropriate Funds, Not to Exceed $200,000.00, from the Open Space and Parkland Preservation Millage Proceeds (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and action is a Resolution to approve the purchase of the 20.23 acre Property Owned by the Donald T. Botsford Trust, located in Scio Township at 3015 Miller Rd (Tax Parcel ID Numbers H-08-13-300-022 and H-08-24-225-001). In addition approval is requested of a Participation Agreement with Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation, Scio Township, and Forestcove Associates, LLC for acquisition of the property and post-acquisition activities. Appropriation of the necessary funding from the Open Space and Parkland Preservation Millage proceeds is requested.
Amendment of the Conservation Easement Held by Scio Township on a Portion of the Donald T. Botsford Trust Property will be required to complete this acquisition. The City is a successor in interest in the existing Conservation Easement. The resolution seeks authorization for amendment of the easement to the extent necessary to complete the City's acquisition of the property and expansion of the Conservation Easement to the entire property.
Donald T. Botsford Trust Property:
Oak-hickory forest covers most of the hilly terrain on the property. Wildflower flora is diverse and dense, with few areas lacking groundcover. The woods provide habitat for wood thrush and scarlet tanager, which both need large forested areas for nesting. Two small perennial streams are present on the southeast portion of the site. The rare small tree wahoo (Euonymus atropurpurea) is located along the stream at the western edge...
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