Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 1 to a Professional Services Agreement with Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber ($16,591.23) for the Nichols Arboretum Sewer and Siphon Rehabilitation
Attached, please find a memo and resolution to approve Amendment No. 1 with Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber (FTCH) in the amount of $16,591.23 for additional services necessary in order to properly complete the project design and contract document preparation for the subject project.
During the course of the project's design, it was necessary to add five additional tasks to the agreed upon scope of services in order to complete the project in accordance with City of Ann Arbor Standards and good engineering practices. The additional tasks were:
1. Additional field survey associated with constructing a gravel access path and maintenance pad that would allow Public Works personnel to maintain the sewer in the future;
2. Detailed design of the access path and maintenance pad to access the inverted siphon;
3. Design of new pre-cast concrete chamber roof slabs for two manholes that will be used as future maintenance/cleaning points for sections of the Southside Interceptor Sanitary Sewer;
4. Technical assistance with regard to reviewing, plotting, and locating historic easement descriptions, which were discovered during the design process;
5. Additional project coordination meetings with potential bidders, contractors that are expert in the work to be undertaken, the University of Michigan staff, and various City of Ann Arbor of Ann Arbor personnel involved with the project.
A more complete description of the five tasks outlined above are more thoroughly described as follows. Because of the number of unknown elements of this project during the initial project scoping and negotiations with FTCH, it was decided that the design of an access path would not be included in the original agreement as there were too many variables to consider and it would not be...
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