Resolution to Appropriate $151,600.00 from General Fund to Major Grant Fund (00MG) Ann Arbor Station Project Budget and to Approve an Agreement for Professional Services with Neumann/Smith Architecture for Ann Arbor Station Preliminary Design and Engineering ($2,135,310.67) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to appropriate $151,600.00 from the General Fund fund balance to the Major Grant Fund (00MG) Ann Arbor Station project budget and to approve a Professional Services Agreement with Neumann/Smith Architecture for professional services in the amount of $2,135,310.67 for Preliminary Design and Engineering, including continuation of public engagement related to the Ann Arbor Station. The Preliminary Design and Engineering phase will follow completion of the Environmental Review phase that is currently being conducted by AECOM, Inc.
The $151,600.00 in funds for the project budget (which includes $101,131.00 in unallocated contingency) are being requested to allow timely and uninterrupted continuation of effort within the time constraints of the overarching Federal Rail Administration (FRA), Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and City Agreement(s). The overarching agreement expires in September 2017 and FRA has indicated they require all invoicing related to this project submitted by no later than the end of May 2017. The FRA has agreed to fund 100% of expenses incurred up to 80% of the total project budget amount during this timeframe, with the City funding the final 20% of this phase of the project.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
The estimated total cost of Preliminary Design and Engineering is $2,370,194.67, which includes the contract with Neumann/Smith for $2,135,310.67 and a City staff budget of $234,884.00. An unallocated contingency of $101,131.00 will remain in the project budget to be used if necessary to complete either the Environmental Review phase or the Preliminary Design and Engin...
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