Volunteer of the Month proclamation for George Hewens
In Appreciation of
George Hewens
August 17, 2015
WHEREAS, George Hewens has dedicated himself to volunteering in the assistance of the Ann Arbor Parks; and
WHEREAS, George Hewens has worked with the GIVE 365 and Adopt-a-Park Volunteer Programs to care for the rose gardens at Bromley Park for close to 40 years; and
WHEREAS, His consistent care and maintenance of the gardens at Bromley Park has had a positive impact on the park as well as the customers with which he has interacted; and
WHEREAS, The City of Ann Arbor appreciates the tireless work of volunteers in assistance of our parks.
NOW THEREFORE, I, Christopher Taylor, Mayor of Ann Arbor, Michigan, in recognition of these personal and volunteer endeavors, conducted to the greater good of our community, do hereby proclaim a commemoration of George Hewens on August 17, 2015, in the City of Ann Arbor.
I hereby set my hand and seal
This 17th of August, 2015
Christopher Taylor, Mayor