Resolution to Approve an Amendment to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) Grant Development Project Agreement for Gallup Park Livery and Site Renovations
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve an amendment to the project agreement with the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources for the grant to renovate the Gallup Park Livery and surrounding site.
Council approved the grant agreement between the City and the State of Michigan per resolution #R-12-482 on October 15, 2012. The grant provided $300,000.00 to the City of Ann Arbor to make improvements to the Livery and entry area at Gallup Park including barrier free parking and entry improvements, trail renovations, livery building upgrades, patio renovations, new barrier free docks for kayaks and fishing, landscaping, and way finding signage.
The project is complete, but the legal description used to describe the project area of the grant needed to be updated and corrected in order to close out the project with the MNRTF and receive the final project reimbursement. City park staff and the City's attorney office worked with the MNRTF to provide an updated legal description that consolidated multiple plats. This amendment replaces the former legal description in the original grant agreement.
Prepared by: Amy Kuras, Landscape Architect
Reviewed by: Colin Smith, Manager of Parks and Recreation Services Sumedh Bahl, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The Michigan Department of Natural Resources approved a matching grant application through the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) for Gallup Park Livery and Site Renovations;
Whereas, City Council approved the grant agreement on October 15, 2012 per resolution R-12-482;
Whereas, The grant project work is now complete; and
Whereas, The legal description of Gallup ...
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