Resolution to Approve Flagstar Bank Site Plan, 3600 Plymouth Road (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 7 Yeas and 1 Nay)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of a bank building with a drive-thru facility.
Petition Summary:
· The Site Plan proposes to divide off a 1-acre parcel at the northeast corner of the existing Holiday Inn hotel site and construct a 2,840 sq ft bank with a drive thru facility and 16 parking spaces. A special exception use for the drive thru facility was approved by the Planning Commission on March 17, 2015.
· The petitioner addressed issues raised by Planning Commission by revising the site layout, with the proposed northern entrance drive moved back to its original location to save the 22-inch landmark Pin Oak tree located on the southwest corner of this site. The internal loop driveway will continue to connect to a new off-site curb cut to the south to facilitate westbound traffic exiting this site from the service drive to Green Road. The Traffic Engineer has concluded there should be adequate queuing for vehicles entering the site.
· The Zoning Board of Appeals granted a variance at its March 25, 2015 meeting to allow a drive-thru facility to be located between the proposed bank building and a street. The US-23 on ramp is considered a street as it is public right-of-way.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of March 17, 2015, recommended approval of this request.
Attachments: 3/17/15 Planning Staff Report
3/17/15 Planning Commission Minutes
Prepared By: Chris Cheng, City Planner
Reviewed By: Wendy L. Rampson, Planning Manager
Sumedh Bahl, Community Services Area Administrator
Whereas, Flagstar Bank has requested site plan approval in order to develop a 2,840-square foot, one-story bank building facing Plymouth Road served by a drive-thru facility;
Whereas, The Ann Arbor City Planning Commission, on March 17, 2015, approved a special exception use for the proposed drive-thru facility and recommended approval of the site plan petition;
Whereas. The Zoning Board of Appeals, on March 25, 2015, approved a variance to allow a drive-thru facility to be located between the proposed bank building and a street;
Whereas, The development would comply with the C3, Fringe Commercial District, zoning established pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 55, and with all applicable local, state, or federal laws, ordinances, standards and regulations;
Whereas, The development would limit the disturbance of natural features to the minimum necessary to allow a reasonable use of the land, applying criteria for reviewing a natural features statement of impact set forth in Chapter 57; and
Whereas, The development would not cause a public or private nuisance and would not have a detrimental effect on the public health, safety and welfare;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the Flagstar Bank Site Plan, subject to the following being completed prior to the issuance of building permits: 1) approval of an administrative amendment to the parent Holiday Inn site plan; 2) recording of an ingress/egress easement along the existing drive providing access to the site from Plymouth Road; and 3) recording of cross parking easements with the Holiday Inn site.