Resolution to Approve a Grant Contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the Purchase of Snow Removal Equipment at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport ($162,000.00)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to approve a grant contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation-Office of Aeronautics (MDOT-Aero) in the amount of $162,000.00 for the purchase of a new wheel loader to be used as snow removal equipment at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport. The purchase of the new wheel loader was approved by City Council on March 16, 2015 so the order could be placed while the grant funding was being processed.
The grant amount of $162,000.00 is $149,714.00 in federal funds, $6,143.00 in state funds and $6,143.00 in airport matching funds. The airport's share is included in the airport's current operating budget. All funding (local, state and federal) comes from fees paid by users of aviation industry services. The grant is administered by MDOT-Aero. There will be at least one additional grant contract with MDOT-Aero for broom and snow blower attachments for this loader.
Prepared by: Matthew J. Kulhanek, Fleet & Facility Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The City Council approved the purchase of a new wheel loader for the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport on March 16, 2015;
Whereas, The purchase was approved prior to the grant agreement because of the need to address a long acquisition time and the pending expiration of the grant funds;
Whereas, the local matching funds ($6,143.00) for this grant agreement are available in the approved FY15 Airport operating budget.
RESOLVED, That the City Council approve grant contract number 2015-0203 with the Michigan Department of Transportation in the amount of $162,000.00 for the purchase of snow removal equipment for the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport;
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