Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to Allocate up to $89,318.00 for the 2014-15 Winter Emergency Shelter and Warming Center Response (8 Votes Required)
Whereas, The 2013-14 winter season was particularly brutal for Washtenaw County residents - and no more so for those most vulnerable residents struggling with homelessness;
Whereas, The local sheltering system was stretched beyond capacity to accommodate the overwhelming demand for safe, warm space during the near-constant emergency weather conditions;
Whereas, The Office of Community & Economic Development - on behalf of the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, and the local Continuum of Care Board - and the Washtenaw Housing Alliance convened a Winter Emergency Shelter/Warming Center Response work group in the fall of 2014;
Whereas, The workgroup proceeded to review the scope of the problem, surface and evaluate a set of possible solutions, and explore a variety of community partnerships and funding sources;
Whereas; The recommendations include funding the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County to support up to 50 additional spaces in a rotating, overnight warming center for the months of January 2015 to March 2015 to be housed in three local churches each hosting one month;
Whereas, The recommendations also include funding the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County to support a consistent, daytime warming center from November 2014 through March 2015 to be housed in its Delonis Center unless local churches are identified to host the daytime warming center as well;
Whereas, The recommendations also include funding Community Support & Treatment Services to support a 10% increase in funding available for emergency hotel and motel vouchers for the most vulnerable homeless residents on extreme weather days;
Whereas, These recommendations in total will cost no more than $178,636.00; and
Whereas, It is requested that the City and the County each commit to providi...
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