Resolution to Approve Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services with Washtenaw County ($833,391.00)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution authorizing a four-year commitment to Washtenaw County for access to Washtenaw County's Dell Storage Area Network, Backup, Recovery and Archival Systems at an annual service cost of $208,348.00 for four years beginning in FY2015. Services would be provided under the terms of the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services between the City and Washtenaw County.
Fiscal/Budget Impact: This expenditure is planned for and budgeted in the FY2015 Information Technology Services Fund budget and planned for in FY2016 - FY2020 Information Technology Services Budgets.
After review of request for proposals (RFP) for Enterprise Storage Backup, Recovery and Archival Systems, Washtenaw County intends to enter into a four-year agreement with Dell Corporation for an enterprise storage, backup, recovery and archival solution with enough capacity to handle both organizations current and future needs.
The current systems in place are nearing end of life and Washtenaw County's lease with EMC Corporation, the current system provider, expires on June 30, 2015.
The City currently pays Washtenaw County $223,000 annually for these services. The installation of the new Dell Corporation systems results in an annualized cost savings of approximately $15,000.00 per year for a total cost savings of $60,000.00 over four (4) years.
The expected life cycle of Dell Corporation's systems is projected to be five (5) to seven (7) years. This will provide both Washtenaw County and the City of Ann Arbor the opportunity to run these enterprise systems for negligible costs during years five (5) through year seven (7). This will result in appreciable operational expenditure savings of $600,000.00 or more to the City of Ann Arbor and can be used for future investments in n...
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