Resolution to Award a Contract to Guardian Tree Experts, LLC, for Tree Removal, Tree Pruning and Stump Removal along City Street Rights-of-Way ($192,160.00)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a $192,160.00 contract with Guardian Tree Experts for street tree removal, tree pruning and stump removal.
Budget/Fiscal Impacts
Funding was made available during the FY2015 budget process, which provided a one-time $1,000,000.00 allocation of general fund surplus to the approved FY15 capital budget for purposes of this project. A portion of the funding ($50,000.00) for tree pruning activities under this contract are provided through a USDA Forest Service Great Lake Initiative Grant, approved by City Council on December 16, 2013 (R-13-1422).
The work completed through this contract initiates a multi-phased approach to address the backlog of tree maintenance activities as described in the Urban and Community Forest Management Plan, adopted by City Council in June 2014 (R-14-0696).
The tree removal activities under this contract focus on the highest priority trees, those greater than 11" DBH (diameter at breast height) and listed as priority 1 or 2 removals in the city's tree inventory. Tree pruning activities focus on removing large dead, broken, hanging or diseased limbs for trees greater than 21" DBH and listed as priority 1 pruning in the tree inventory.
In addition to helping to address the tree maintenance backlog, the work completed under this contract also moves the city towards implementing recommendation #1 of the Urban and Community Forest Management Plan, to implement a proactive routine maintenance program; and furthers the Healthy Ecosystem and Sustainable Systems goals of the City's Sustainability Framework.
The city was divided into four work areas, as detailed in the bid documents, ITB 4348; bidders were able to bid on any or all areas. Two bids were received and opened on September 15, 2...
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