Resolution to Award a Contract to Asplundh Tree Expert Company for Tree Removal, Tree Pruning and Stump Removal along City Street Rights-of-Way ($175,875.00)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a $175,875.00 contract with Asplundh Tree Expert Company for street tree removal, tree pruning and stump removal. Asplundh Tree Expert Company was selected because of their skill and expertise in tree removals and stump removals.
The tree removal activities under this contract focus on the highest priority trees, those greater than 6" DBH (diameter at breast height) and listed as priority 1 or 2 removals in the city's tree inventory. Tree pruning activities focus on removing large dead, broken, hanging or diseased limbs for trees greater than 11" DBH and listed as priority 1 pruning in the tree inventory.
The city was divided into four work areas, as detailed in the bid documents, ITB 4348; bidders were able to bid on any or all areas. Two bids were received and opened on September 15, 2014. Asplundh Tree Expert Company will be awarded Areas 1 and 4, and Guardian Tree Experts will be awarded Areas 2 and 3. Work for these contracts will be completed by May 31, 2015.
Work to be completed by both contractors:
Tree Removals (Priority 1 and 2)
Current Backlog: 815 Trees
Asplundh Tree Expert: 255 Trees (>6" DBH)
Guardian Tree Experts: 253 Trees (>11" DBH)
Remaining Backlog: 307 Trees
Tree Pruning (Priority 1)
Current Backlog: 1000 Trees
Asplundh Tree Expert: 82 Trees (>11"DBH)
Guardian Tree Experts: 86 Trees (>21"DBH)
Remaining Backlog: 832 Trees
Stump Removals
Current Backlog: 2205 Stumps
Asplundh Tree Expert: 255 Stumps
Guardian Tree Experts: 79 Stumps
Remaining Backlog: 1871 Stumps
City Forestry staff will be working on the current backlog of tree removals, tree pruning and stump removals. This work is not reflected in the numbers above.
Budget/Fiscal Impact:
The work comple...
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