Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC for Water Treatment Plant Manchester Tank Coating Project Test ($127,780.00)
This memorandum and resolution requests approval of a professional services agreement for professional engineering services with Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC for a total of $127,780.00.
Budget/Fiscal Impact:
The funding for this project is included in the approved Water Supply System capital budget.
In September 2014, the City issued a request for proposals for the study, design, bidding, and construction phase services for the Manchester Tank Coating Project. The Manchester tank is a 500,000 gallon steel spheroid elevated water tank located near the corner of Stadium Blvd. and Washtenaw Avenue. The existing coating has exceeded its service life and has developed corrosion. Removal of the existing coating and recoating is necessary to extend the service life of the water tank. The scope of this project is to prepare contract documents for the repainting of the elevated tank exterior, portions of the interior, and other miscellaneous improvements. City staff met with the Public Arts Commission to explore their interest in this venue for a public art project. At their October 22, 2014 meeting the Public Arts Commission passed a motion to support a public art project on the water tank. They have requested that the City incorporate funding for artwork into the project budget. This project is included in the approved CIP for FY15.
The City received three (3) proposals for this work. After evaluation of the proposals, it was decided that Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC was the most qualified firm to provide these services. It is therefore recommended that City Council approve the professional services agreement with Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC to perform the engineering services for the Water Treatment Plant Manchester Tank Coating Project.
Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC rec...
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