Park Advisory Commission Recommendation for Redevelopment of Liberty Plaza and Development of the Library Lot
Whereas, The Park Advisory Commission (PAC) was asked to make recommendations for development of five city owned parcels in the downtown regarding use as public open space in late 2012;
Whereas, PAC formed a subcommittee to study this topic and spent 9 months holding
11 public meetings, attending "place-making" workshops, and conducting a resident survey with over 1,600 respondents, and reported their findings to PAC for approval in October of 2013;
Whereas, The Downtown Parks Subcommittee Report was accepted by city council in
November of 2013;
Whereas, The report contains the following recommendations in regards to downtown parks and open space:
1. The development of any new downtown park or open space should prioritize community preferences. The most commonly expressed community-based priorities include: a central location; sufficient size for passive recreation/community gatherings; shade; and natural features.
2. New downtown parks and open space should adhere to place-making principles.
3. Necessary criteria for a successful downtown open space include: high traffic/visibility; flexible programmable space; active use on at least three sides; the ability to provide activities desired by the community; and funding for maintenance and security.
4. Any additional downtown park space should not come at the expense of the quality or maintenance of Ann Arbor's existing parks. Downtowns parks are expected to be more costly to develop and maintain. Further, existing downtown parks are not currently utilized to their potential. Given the limits of current parks funding, the development of new parks should not be approved without an identified funding source for capital development, ongoing maintenance, and programming.
5. Significant capital/structural improvements to Liberty Plaza should only be made in concert with ...
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