Resolution to Amend the Contract with Green-Vision Lawn & Landscaping for the Mowing of City Traffic Islands and Trunkline Traffic Islands ITB-4215 ($2,556.00)
On April 12, 2012 City Council approved resolution #R-12-157 to award a contract to Green-Vision Lawn & Landscaping for the mowing of City traffic islands and trunkline traffic islands within the city limits in the amount of $35,112.00/year; $105,336.03/3years. Subsequent to the Council's approval of the contract award, four additional locations were added. The additional locations are the Washtenaw Avenue multi use path, two traffic islands previously mowed by adjacent property owners, and one location at N. First and W. Kingsley now owned by the City of Ann Arbor.
The amendment will include the four locations.
Approval of authorization for the City Administrator to add oher traffic island locations during the term of the contract and within the approved budget is also recommended.
The mowing and trimming services are funded from the approved operations and maintenance budget of the Public Services Area, Park Operations budget.
Green-Vision Lawn & Landscaping received Contract Compliance approval on July 08, 2014 and Living Wage approval on May 13, 2014.
Prepared by: Matt Warba, Assistant Manager, Field Operations
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, Competitive bids were received by staff (ITB-4215) on March 15, 2012, for mowing and trimming services at city traffic islands and trunkline traffic islands, mowing of neighborhood athletic fields used for active recreation and five City properties, the Wastewater Treatment Plant and four Park locations;
Whereas, Staff advertised ITB-2215 on BidNet and six bids were received;
Whereas, Green-Vision Lawn & Landscaping was the lowest responsible bidder for Section 1, mowing of traffic islands and trunkline traffic...
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