Resolution to Approve Contract Amendment with Hinshon Environmental Consulting, Inc. for Management and Facilitation Services for the Technical Oversight & Advisory Group (TOAG) ($10,000.00)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve a change order to an existing contract with Hinshon Environmental Consulting, Inc. (HEC) to provide additional funding ($10,000.00) for facilitation services being provided by HEC for the Technical Oversight & Advisory Group (TOAG) related to the multiple wet weather related projects in the City. This amendment would bring the total contract value to $35,000.00.
With the undertaking of multiple projects examining the affects of wet weather storm events on the stormwater and sanitary sewer infrastructure systems within the City - - the Upper Malletts Stormwater Conveyance Study, the Stormwater Model Calibration and Analysis Project and the Sanitary Sewer Wet Weather Evaluation Project - - the City formed a group of technical experts from within the community to volunteer to provide objective reviews of the data, findings and recommendations from these inter-related efforts, ensuring consistency in the project approaches, and identifying overlapping issues, and identifying gaps, conflicts and deficiencies. The group includes expertise in civil engineering, systems modeling, water quality, stormwater management and policy, climate change and adaptation, and public education and engagement.
Due to workload and resource limitations with staff, as well as the goal of providing a fully objective review and consideration of the efforts and deliverables from the wet weather projects, staff recognized the need for an outside facilitator to organize, manage and chair the TOAG. HEC was selected to serve this role based on their experience in facilitating groups in similar situations with varied and broad make-up dealing with controversial issues, and with these experiences being outside of Ann Arbor, ...
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