Resolution to Approve Ann Arbor Housing Commission North Maple Road Site Plan and Development Agreement, 701 North Maple Road (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 8 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of a 42-unit apartment development in eight buildings, including a community center, playground and all new site infrastructure. A rezoning petition and street vacation request have also been submitted for separate, but simultaneous, approval.
Petition Summary:
* The Site Plan proposes to demolish all 20 existing dwelling units and construct 42 new dwelling units in 8 buildings, as well as 73 vehicle parking spaces, a playground and a community building. The apartments range from five-bedroom units to one-bedroom units.
* The petitioners have requested the 4.8-acre site be rezoned from R1C Single-Family Dwelling to R4B Multiple-Family Dwelling and for two encroaching portions of Seybold Drive (a platted but unimproved right-of-way) to be vacated.
* A development agreement has been prepared to constructing Seybold Drive between Dexter Road and the site, including sidewalks along both sides of Seybold and across 2250 Dexter Road and provisions for maintaining the new public street and sidewalk.
* The petitioner addressed all outstanding issues identified by staff. To address one particular issue, the petitioner has proposed to combine the 4.8-acre North Maple Estates site with a 0.4 acre site immediately adjacent that is also owned and operated by the Ann Arbor Housing Commission and contains two duplex buildings. Combining the sites eliminates the need to provide for separate access and utility easements for the two duplexes. The proposed site plan now encompasses a larger amount of land than when reviewed by the Planning Commission, but the total number of existing and proposed dwelling units and the placement of all proposed buildings and site improvements remains exactly as prese...
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