Resolution to Approve an Agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the Scio Church and Barton Sidewalks Project
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve an agreement between the City of Ann Arbor and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for the construction of sidewalks along portions of Scio Church Road and Barton Drive.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
Based on the Engineer's Estimate, the total cost of the two sidewalks (including design, construction, and material testing) is estimated to be $445,706.00, broken down as follows:
Funding Scio Church Barton TOTAL
Federal Share $164,000.00 $36,000.00 $200,000.00
Local Share - General Funds 199,474.00 42,626.00 242,100.00
Special Assessment 1,626.00 1,980.00 3,606.00
TOTAL $365,100.00 $80,606.00 $445,706.00
The $200,000.00 federal STPU funds are available only for this project (cannot be transferred to another City of Ann Arbor project) and will pay for up to 80% of the eligible construction costs. City Council has previously approved the general fund local match and project budget of $242,100.00 required to capture these federal funds. The agreement is required so that this project can be performed as a Federal Aid project, utilizing up to $200,000.00 Federal Surface Transportation - Urban (STPU) funds.
The completed plans were submitted to MDOT in May 2014 for a bid letting on July 11, 2014. This resolution was prepared prior to July 11; therefore the bid results were not available for inclusion in this memorandum.
Scio Church Sidewalk
In August of 2012, a petition was received by the Public Services Area Administrator's Office requesting the installation of sidewalks on the south side of Scio Church between Delaware Drive and Maple Road. Providing this walkway would allow neighbors to access such facilities as the Ice Cube and the Pittsfield Library without having to cross Scio Church Road at midblock points. The petition was signed by approximately 75 residents of the Churchill Downs neighborhood, located on the south side of Scio Church Road.
Barton Sidewalk
On December 10, 2012, staff received a petition requesting the City to provide a sidewalk along the south side of Barton Drive from approximately 250 west of Chandler Road to Longshore Drive. The petition had 7 signatures from three separate households.
City Council Action
City Council has previously approved several resolutions for funding the local share of the project from general fund and through special assessment:
R-12-525: Authorize $15,000 for staff to evaluate alternatives
R-13-238: Resolution 1, Authorize $15,000.00 for design of Barton sidewalk
R-13-344: Resolution 1, Authorize $35,000.00 for design of Scio Church sidewalk
R14-137: Authorize appropriation of $177,100.00 for local share project costs
R14-126: Resolution 2, Establish special assessment for Scio Church sidewalk
R14-152: Resolution 2, Establish special assessment for Barton sidewalk
R14-158: Resolution 3, Establish public hearing for Scio Church sidewalk
R14-163: Resolution 3, Establish public hearing for Barton sidewalk
Resolutions confirming the special assessment roll for both sidewalks (Resolution 4) appeared on the July 7, 2014 City Council Agenda.
City-State Agreement
One requirement for this type of project is that the City enters into an agreement with the State of Michigan stipulating the funding split and other rights and responsibilities of the parties. It is the same form of agreement that has been on other federally funded projects. The Federal Surface Transportation Fund - Urban (STPU) is will pay up to 80% of eligible participating construction costs (up to the maximum of $200,000.00 that was programmed for this project). All other costs, including the remaining participating construction costs, design, construction engineering, testing, and non-participating items of work will be funded from the previously approved general funds.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will award the contract and the City will act as the project engineer.
Prepared by: Nicholas S. Hutchinson, P.E., Project Management Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, Funds for this project have been previously appropriated by City Council in the amount of $242,100.00; and
Whereas, The Federal Highway Administration will allocate funds up to $200,000.00 for construction of sidewalks on the south side of Scio Church Road between Delaware Drive and Maple Road, and on the South Side of Barton Drive from approximately 250 west of Chandler Road to Longshore Drive;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the Scio Church and Barton Sidewalks project (MDOT Contract No. 14-5385), substantially in the form on file with the City Clerk, following approval as to substance by the City Administrator, and approval as to form by the City Attorney;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take necessary administrative actions to implement this project, including issuing Traffic Control Orders for Scio Church Road and Barton Drive as necessary; and
RESOLVED, That Council authorize the City Administrator to take necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.