Resolution to Approve Application for and Accept, if Awarded, 2013 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) from the US Department of Homeland Security ($300,726.00), Appropriate Matching Grant Funds to the Fire Service Unit ($33,414), and Establish and Appropriate Funding to a Major Grant Fund Account for the Project ($334,140.00) (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution would approve the continuation of the application process for a 2013 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) from the US Department of Homeland Security and accept, if awarded, the grant in the amount of $334,140.00. The application process began in December of 2013 and the continuation of this process requires the approval of this resolution per city policy. The award, under the auspice of the Assistance to Firefighters grant program (AFGP), if received would partially fund a mobile dual live fire and tactical training facility. This grant program is a competitive peer review program.
The approval of this grant will provide an accessible and professional training facility to conduct consistent safe training for safety service personnel. With the recent demolition of the fire training tower at the University of Michigan north campus fire training facility, located at station five (5), it is much more difficult to find structures to perform fire training evolutions.
The Ann Arbor Fire Department (AAFD) is in need of a training facility in order to comply with the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) mandated firefighter training requirements in a safe and consistent manner.
The requested simulator will provide firefighters Class A and B live fire training as well as ventilation, forcible entry, standpipe, sprinkler, rappelling, confined space and SCBA training. The cost of a train the trainer live fire course along with the cost of backfill and overtime for this training would be included in the grant amount.
With the unique challenges of the City of Ann Arbor and its Fire Department's need for a training facility, AAFD is seeking to continue the application process for an AFG grant in the amount of $334,140 for a forty-eight (48) foot complete, mobile, dual, live fire and tactical training simulator.
If awarded, matching funds in the amount of $33,414 required under the grant will need to be appropriated from General Fund Balance to the Fire Service Unit without regard to fiscal year, documenting the 10% local match. For grant administration, all funds (both grant funds and matching City funds) will then need to be appropriated to the Major Grant Fund established for the Project.
Approval of this resolution will allow the department to continue their application and accept the grant if awarded, establish a grant administration fund account, appropriate matching funds to the Fire Department expenditure funds and finally appropriate all funding to the major grant fund for the management of the grant and expenditure of the funds for the life of the Project without regard to fiscal year.
Prepared by: Training Officer Craig Sidelinger, AAFD
Reviewed by: Asst. Chief Ellen Taylor, AAFD
Reviewed by: Chief John Seto, AAPD, Safety Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The Ann Arbor Fire Department has determined it necessary to upgrade/replace their existing infrastructure of the department's training facilities;
Whereas, Part of the city's commitment is to providing its fire fighting personnel a safer and more professional workforce and a need to provide a facility to conduct consistent safe training;
Whereas, The Ann Arbor Fire Department is in need of a training facility in order to comply with the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) mandated firefighter training requirements in a safe and consistent manner.
Whereas, The approval of continuing the application and accepting this AFG grant will provide an accessible, and professional training facility to conduct consistent safe training for safety service personnel;
Whereas, The requested simulator will provide firefighters Class A and B live fire training as well as ventilation, forcible entry, standpipe, sprinkler, rappelling, confined space and SCBA training;
Whereas, The cost of a train the trainer live fire course along with the cost of backfill and overtime for this training would be included in the grant amount;
Whereas, With the unique challenges of the City of Ann Arbor and its Fire Department's need for a training facility, the Fire Department is seeking to continue the application and accept, if awarded, an AFG grant in the amount of $334,140 for a forty-eight (48) foot complete, mobile, dual, live fire and tactical training simulator;
Whereas, If the grant is awarded, the Fire Department will receive a grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in the amount of $300,726 to fund the purchase of a forty-eight (48) foot complete, mobile, dual, live fire and tactical training simulator to be shared with the Ann Arbor Police Department and neighboring municipalities.
Whereas, Matching funds in the amount of $33,414.00, required by the 10% matching grant terms, will need to be appropriated from General Fund Balance to the Fire Service Unit budget without regard to fiscal year for this Project; and
Whereas, It is necessary to establish a Major Grant fund for this award and appropriate both the grant award and the matching funds into the Major Grant Fund for expenditure during the life of the project without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the continuation of the application process for, and if awarded, accept, on behalf of the Ann Arbor Fire Department, a 2013 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) from the US Department of Homeland Security ($300,726.00) for the purchase of a mobile, dual, live fire and tactical training simulator;
RESOLVED, That City Council agree to the grant local funding requirement of and appropriate the necessary ten percent (10%) matching funds of $33,414.00 from General Fund Balance to the Fire Unit budget to be available for expenditure for this Project without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator is directed to establish a Major Grant Fund for this Project and appropriate the matching funds and the grant award, if and when received, for expenditure during the life of this Project without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, That if awarded the grant, the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute the grant award contract subject to approval as to substance by the City Administrator and approval as to form by the City Attorney; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator is authorized to take all necessary actions to implement this Resolution.