Resolution Adopting a Green Streets Statement Consisting of Stormwater Guidelines for Public Street Construction and Reconstruction
On July 2, 2012 City Council passed Resolution R-12-295 directing City Staff (from the Systems Planning, Project Management, and Field Operations units of Public Services; Parks and Recreation, and Planning and Development Services units from Community Services) to work with the Environmental Commission in the development of a Green Streets policy. A copy of Resolution R-12-295 is attached.
The Environmental Commission Water Committee goal in this effort is to create a City Policy Statement to provide guidelines for "Green Streets" as the standard for design of new and reconstructed City streets.
The terms "Green Streets" and "Green Infrastructure" are adaptable terms used to describe an array of products, technologies, and practices that use natural systems - or engineered systems that mimic natural processes - to enhance overall environmental quality and provide utility services. Green Streets treat and/or infiltrate stormwater to improve water quality and reduce the volume and rate at which stormwater leaves the street.
After considering numerous options, the Water Committee and City Staff came to the conclusion that the most common denominator in green infrastructure is infiltration of stormwater on-site where it is generated. As such, a Statement consisting of Stormwater Management Guidelines for Public Street Construction and Reconstruction was developed to set infiltration standards based on the ability of the project site to infiltrate stormwater. A copy of that Statement is attached. At its October 24, 2013 meeting, the Environmental Commission approved a resolution recommending that City Council direct City Staff to implement the Statement consisting of Stormwater Management Guidelines for Public Street Construction and Reconstruction. A copy of the Environmental Commission's resolution is attached.
Prepared By: Environmental Commission
Whereas, Impervious surfaces are major contributors to stormwater runoff pollution and volume;
Whereas, In Ann Arbor, City rights-of-way include the public streets;
Whereas, City stormwater system pipes are located within public street rights-of-way;
Whereas, Public streets are a part of the stormwater management system, as they receive runoff from adjacent parcels and convey the stormwater to the piped stormwater system;
Whereas, Given that public street surfaces are directly connected to the City's piped stormwater management system, it is estimated that 50% of all stormwater runoff within the City is generated from the City's street rights-of-way;
Whereas, The terms "Green Streets" and "Green Infrastructure" are adaptable terms used to describe an array of products, technologies, and practices that use natural systems - or engineered systems that mimic natural processes - to enhance overall environmental quality and provide utility services;
Whereas, The United States Environmental Protection Agency has accepted alternative strategies for stormwater management;
Whereas, Under Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has identified the Huron River and several of its tributaries within Ann Arbor as waterbodies not meeting Water Quality Standards, and, have designated Total Maximum Load (TMDL) mandates, for biota (total suspended solids), E. coli and phosphorus from nonpoint source runoff;
Whereas, Stormwater is typically delivered with minimal or no treatment to the Huron River, which is recognized as a valued natural resource for the Ann Arbor community;
Whereas, Weather models are predicting increased frequency and intensity of intense stormwater events;
Whereas, Infiltration is the stormwater management goal for Green Infrastructure;
Whereas, On July 2, 2012, City Council passed Resolution R-12-295 directing City Staff to work with the Environmental Commission in the development of a Green Streets policy and City Staff worked with the Environmental Commission's Water Committee to develop a Policy Statement consisting of Stormwater Guidelines for Public Street Construction and Reconstruction; and
Whereas, the Environmental Commission passed a resolution at its October 24, 2013 meeting recommending that City Council adopt the Green Street Policy;
RESOLVED, That the Ann Arbor City Council adopt the Green Streets Statement consisting of Stormwater Management Guidelines for Public Street Construction and Reconstruction developed by City staff and the Environmental Commission's Water Committee and recommended for approval by the Environmental Commission;
RESOLVED, That the City Council direct the City Administrator to take all necessary steps to implement the Green Streets Statement consisting of Stormwater Management Guidelines for Public Street Construction and Reconstruction; and
RESOLVED, That the City Council direct the City Administrator to incorporate the Green Streets Statement's Stormwater Management Guidelines for Public Street Construction and Reconstruction into the City of Ann Arbor Public Services Department Standard Specifications.