Resolution to Approve a Purchase Order to DLT Solutions, Inc., for AutoDesk Engineering Design and Drafting Software Licensing Status Upgrade ($24,431.28)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve the upgrade to the existing AutoCAD software licensing to achieve usage compliance with AutoDesk, Inc., the City's standard software used for engineering design and upkeep of critical City infrastructure records.
The City has seen significant benefit in the use of spatial data in the decision making process. Environmental and infrastructure management planning issues and the upkeep of critical City infrastructure is improved through use of engineering design and drafting software.
DLT Solutions, Inc. is the state and local government sales representative for AutoDesk, Inc. software products and maintenance for the Michigan area through GSA Contract GS-35F-4543G.
It is imperative to upgrade the current AutoCAD software licensing status to meet criteria regarding the number of legal users. All licensing of AutoDesk products will be upgraded to provide for unlimited installations but only a given number of users are allowed to open the software at the same time. Licenses can be checked out for temporary field use and additional licenses can be purchased if demand increases.
In the future, these software licensing changes will be applied on an ongoing basis as provided by the annual AutoDesk software maintenance subscription. The subscription provides ongoing access of current software versions for use of the software in mission critical City applications and is maintained with an annually budgeted expenditure.
The accompanying resolution authorizes the creation of a purchase order to process a one-time payment to DLT-Solutions, Inc., in the amount of $24,431.28 for the status upgrade of licensing of AutoDesk software to meet legal usage guidelines. This one-time payment is in addition to the annual subscription expense of $17,385.72 which has already been paid. DLT-Solutions, Inc. received Human Rights and Living Wage compliance approval on January 22, 2014.
Prepared by: Merle Johnson, Information Technology Services GIS Manager
Reviewed by: Tom Crawford, Financial Services Area Administrator and CFO
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor has seen significant benefit in the use of spatial data in the decision making process regarding environmental, infrastructure management planning issues and the upkeep of critical City infrastructure through use of engineering design and drafting software;
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor presently subscribes for the use of the engineering design and drafting software in the amount of $17,385.72 annually;
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor audit of the software licensing revealed the City owes an additional one-time payment of $24,431.28 to meet usage compliance guidelines;
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor allotted the one-time payment of $24,431.28 based upon Service Units usage of the software including Project Management, Field Operations, Special Projects, Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants, Information Technology Services and Parks;
Whereas, The City is granted technical support in addition to access to all updates and changes to the engineering design and drafting software provided by the annual AutoDesk software maintenance subscription; and
Whereas, DLT Solutions, Inc. received Human Rights and Living Wage compliance approval on January 22, 2014;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Council authorize the City Administrator to issue a purchase order to DLT Solutions, Inc. in the amount $24,431.28 to bring AutoDesk software licensing status into usage compliance within legal guidelines according to the license agreement.