Resolution to Direct Staff to Create a Green Streets Policy
Whereas, Impervious surfaces are major contributors to stormwater runoff pollution and volume;
Whereas, Pollutant load is significant in stormwater, especially in the first flush (first ½" of rain during any rain event);
Whereas, In Ann Arbor, the City right-of-way includes 2.9 square miles of impervious area, which represents 25.9% of the total impervious area within the City. Since road surfaces are directly connected to the stormwater management system, it is estimated that 50% of all stormwater runoff within the City is generated from the right-of-ways;
Whereas, New materials and strategies exist with proven success for stormwater management;
Whereas, The term "Green Streets" includes green infrastructure which is an adaptable term used to describe an array of products, technologies, and practices that use natural systems - or engineered systems that mimic natural processes - to enhance overall environmental quality and provide utility services;
Whereas, The US EPA has accepted alternative strategies for stormwater management across the nation;
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor's NPDES permit requires action related to stormwater management;
Whereas, The City is subject to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) restriction by the State of Michigan for biota (total suspended solids), E. coli and phosphorus from storm water;
Whereas, Stormwater is delivered untreated to the Huron River, which is recognized as a valued natural resource for the Ann Arbor Community; and
Whereas, Weather models are predicting increased frequency and intensity of intense stormwater events;
RESOLVED, That Ann Arbor City Council hereby directs City Staff (from the Systems Planning, Project Management, and Field Operations Units of Public Services; Parks and Recreation, and Planning from Community Services) to work with the Environmental Commission in the development of a Green Streets policy.
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