An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 55 (Zoning), Rezoning of 3.32 Acres from TWP (Township District) to R3 (Townhouse Dwelling District), Summit Townhomes, 2081 East Ellsworth (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 7 Yeas and 0 Nays) (Ordinance No. ORD-13-01)
This ordinance will zone this property to R3 (Townhouse Dwelling District), now that the property has been officially annexed into the City. The City Council, at its meeting of February 4, 2013, referred the zoning request back to the Planning Commission for re-evaluation of the proposed zoning. Council expressed concerns regarding the proposed density, traffic and storm water impacts. Council members requested that the Planning Commission examine whether a lower density zoning would potentially lessen impacts on the surrounding area. The Council also asked for staff to evaluate the need for parkland in the area.
After consultation with appropriate City staff, Planning staff prepared a staff report (attached) that provides background information about the stated concerns, including a more in-depth discussion of the master plan recommendations. A comparison examining three potential zoning designations for the property: R1C (Single-Family Dwelling District), R2A (Two-Family Dwelling District) and R3 (Townhouse Dwelling District) is provided below.
R1C R2A R3
Minimum Lot Area 7,200 sf 8,500 sf 21,780sf (0.5 acre)
Minimum Lot Area Per 7,200 sf 4,250 sf 4,300 sf
Dwelling Unit
Maximum dwelling units 17 units 30 units 29 units (24 units
for parcel (2.95 acres) proposed)
Minimum useable open None None 65%
space %
Minimum Setback 25 ft front 5 ft side 25 ft front 5 ft side 15ft min/40max front
Requirements 30 ft rear 30 ft rear 20ft side 30ft rear
Minimum Parking 1 space/unit 0 1.5 space/unit 0 2 spaces/unit 1 bicycle
bicycle parking bicycle parking parking space/5units
At its meeting of February 21, 2013, the Planning Commission reviewed the ne...
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