Resolution to Approve an Additional Street Closing for the 2012 FoolMoon Event - Friday, March 30, 2012
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to close an additional street for the 2012 FoolMoon Event on Friday, March 30, 2012
The sponsors, Grizzly Peak and the UM Alice Lloyd Scholars, have requested that in addition to the closings previously approved on January 23, 2012 (R-12-023) for the 2012 FoolMoon Event, Council also approve the closing of South Ashley Street between Washington and Huron Street from Noon to Midnight. Closure of this section of South Ashley will provide the alcohol service area and help prevent drivers from entering this zone and causing traffic and safety issues.
The sponsors will insure that alternate access to businesses along this street are maintained and will coordinate the bagging of parking meters with the DDA and Republic Parking.
Notification of the street closing related to this event will be provided through the City’s website.
The event has been coordinated with all relevant City service areas for the purposes of traffic control and for the protection of the health and safety of the participants and the general public.
Prepared by: Debra Williams, Management Assistant
Reviewed by: Sumedh Bahl, Community Services Administrator
Whereas, The City has received a request from the sponsor to close an additional street for the 2012 FoolMoon Event on Friday, March 30, 2012;
Whereas, The closing of South Ashley Street between Washington and Huron Streets from Noon to Midnight will provide the alcohol service area and help prevent drivers from entering this zone and causing traffic and safety issues;
Whereas, The additional street closure will be signed, barricaded and properly supervised; and
Whereas, Notification of the street closing related to this event will be provided through the City’s website;
RESOLVED, That City Council approves the closing of South Ashley Street between Was...
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