Resolution to Approve a Contract with Saladino Construction Company, Inc. to Restore the Island Park Bridge and Greek Revival Shelter Concrete ($65,000.00)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a $65,000.00 contract with Saladino Construction Company, Inc. to restore the Island Park Bridge and the concrete portions of the Greek Revival Shelter in the Island Park.
The Island Park Bridge was constructed in 1916 and the Greek Revival Shelter in 1914. The concrete structures have cracked and spalled over time due to weather and water damage. Both structures have been renovated several times throughout their history, most recently in the mid 1990’s This project would repair and seal cracks, repair spalling concrete and repaint the bridge as well as add structural concrete support to the shelter, which has sunk slightly in one corner, causing cracking of the concrete walls. The renovation of the Island Park Greek Revival Shelter is noted in the 2011 - 2015 Parks & Recreation Open Space Plan as part of the Parks system infrastructure needs assessment. The 2011 - 2015 Parks & Recreation Open Space Plan also recommends evaluating the condition of the Island Park Bridge. This evaluation was performed and repairs were deemed necessary by a structural engineer and staff concurred with this assessment.
Staff and the architect discussed the project with Historic District Commission staff to make sure that the proposed renovations were appropriate in intent.
Following four bids were received in response to ITB 4185:
Saladino Construction Co. Inc. $65,000.00*
Renaissance Restorations, Inc. $68,850.00
Mark 1 Restoration $73,575.00
Grunwell-Cashiro Co $109,350.00
*Lowest Responsible Bid
Staff is recommending awarding a contract to Saladino Construction Co. in the amount of $65,000 to restore the Island Park Bridge and the concrete for the Greek revival Shelter at the Island Park. You are also requested to approve a ten perc...
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