An Ordinance to Amend Sections 2:1, 2:3, 2:4, 2:5 and 2:9 of Chapter 26 (Solid Waste Management) of Title II of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor - for Single Stream Recycling (Ordinance No. ORD-10-16)
The attached language initiates the consideration through first reading regarding proposed amendments to Chapter 26, the Solid Waste Ordinance, to clarify modifications required under the City’s new single stream recycling program.
The most significant recommended amendment relates to the placement of the recycling carts that will be required with the implementation of the automated recycling collection system. That location will be curbside for most residences, including smaller multi-family locations.
Staff met with the Washtenaw County Apartment Association and also worked with the Ann Arbor Area Chamber of Commerce to solicit their feedback on the amendments to Chapter 26.
Addendum for June 21, 2010, City Council meeting:
Since this ordinance was before Council at first reading on June 7, 2010, staff has made one non-substantive correction and a couple of non-substantive changes for clarification.
In Section 2:3(1), the word “recycling” that immediately preceded “cart” in the second line has been deleted. Although the purpose of the amendment is to require recycling curbcarts to be placed curbside, like refuse and compostable curbcarts, modification of “carts” with “recycling” inadvertently removed the existing curbside placement requirement for refuse and compostable curbcarts.
The amendment to Section 2:3(1) also eliminates the reference to street leaf pick up.
In Section 2:5(2), subsections a.iii, b.iii and c.iii all are revised to state the actual weight limit for each curbcart size instead of stating the weight limit for one curbcart size and providing that the weight limits are pro-rated for other sizes. The language in c.iii also is modified slightly for parallel structure and consistency with the language in a.iii an...
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