Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with E.T. MacKenzie Company for the Huron River Drive Culvert Replacement Project (RFP 24-20; $574,746.00)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a construction contract between the City of Ann Arbor and E.T. MacKenzie Co. (MacKenzie) in the amount of $574,746.00 for the Huron River Drive Culvert Replacement Project (RFP 24-20).
The scope of this project includes replacing two culverts (24" and 12") at have failed and are under capacity beneath Huron River Drive west of the Barton Pond parking lot, with a pair of parallel elliptical (30" equivalent) pipes with higher conveyance capacity.
The construction of the project is scheduled to begin in late August and be completed in September 2024.
Engineering staff supervised the creation of plans and contract documents and bid the project through the City's Procurement Unit. On May 7, 2024, four proposals were received for this work. A selection committee comprised of Public Services staff reviewed the proposals and determined which bidder was the Best Value based on the criteria in ORD-21-41:
* Qualifications, Experience, & Accountability (20%)
* Workplace Safety (20%)
* Workforce Development (20%)
* Social Equity & Sustainability (20%)
* Schedule of Pricing/Cost (20%)
After reviewing and scoring the proposals, staff ranked the responding firms in the following order:
1. E.T. MacKenzie Co
2. Fonson Company, Inc.
3. DiPonio Contracting LLC
4. Major Contracting Group Inc.
MacKenzie received the highest score among the proposals reviewed by the selection committee. Therefore, staff recommends approving a contract with MacKenzie for the project. MacKenzie complies with the City's Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: This project is included in the FY23-28 Capital Improvements Plan (UT-ST-24-02). The estimated total cost of the project is $795,000. Funding for the project is availab...
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