Resolution to Extend the Construction Contract with Strawser Construction Inc. (ITB No. 4630, $1,985,000.00) for the FY2022 Street Preventative Maintenance Project, and to Appropriate $759,644.00 from the Major Street Fund, $853,970 from the Local Street Fund and $670,000.00 from the Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage Fund (8 Votes Required)
As background, the City awarded Strawser Construction Inc. ("Strawser") a construction contract for the FY2021 Street Preventative Maintenance Project. That contract allowed for a one-year extension by mutual agreement.
Accordingly, attached for your approval is a resolution to authorize extension and amendment of Strawser's contract by $1,985,000.00 for the FY2022 Street Preventative Maintenance Project, which consists of crack sealing, pavement repair patching and surface treatment applications on various major and minor/local city streets.
This Project will include micro-surfacing and cape-sealing pavement preservation applications on approximately 7 major and 24 local streets (see attached list and maps). The Project's schedule anticipates construction beginning on or after July 1, 2021 with the majority of work being completed during the 2021 construction season, with any remaining work being completed by June 30, 2022. Strawser will provide an exact schedule for each street, as required, to coordinate with planned City and other area construction projects, events such as U of M home football games, in-session school days, and applicable holiday periods.
Like the current contract, the proposed extension amendment will be a unit price contract. Actual construction quantities may vary. This arrangement allows for removal, addition and substitution of streets as appropriate. Depletion of available funds prior to the completion of all the streets on the list will result in termination the construction contract and deferral of the balance of the streets to a future surface treatments project. Convers...
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