Resolution to Name the Property Purchased from Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church as “Eberwhite Nature Area”
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve the naming of the park property acquired from the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. The property is 2.25 acres and was acquired in February 2007. The property is located adjacent to Eberwhite Woods, owned by Ann Arbor Public Schools.
The Zion parcels contain early-successional forest, similar in species composition to the adjacent Eberwhite Woods, but generally less diverse and with fewer oak trees. The botanical quality of the Zion parcels is more degraded than Eberwhite Woods, and invasive species such as buckthorn are more common. The northeast corner of the property is surrounded by mature spruce and pine trees, which are not native, but provide a uniquely different experience for visitors in that area. The two southeastern Zion parcels contain a larger proportion of native understory shrubs and small trees such as choke cherry and sugar maple than the other parts of the property. Prior visits have indicated native woodland plants such as jack-in-the-pulpit and wild geranium on the south and west sides of the property.
Given the adjacency to Eberwhite Woods owned by Ann Arbor Public Schools, the Parks Advisory Commission, at their November 18, 2008 meeting, recommended that the property be named “Eberwhite Nature Area.”
Prepared by: The Conservation Fund
Reviewed by: Jayne Miller, Community Services Area Administrator
Whereas, The parcels were acquired as parkland by the City of Ann Arbor in July 2007;
Whereas, The parcels are adjacent to Eberwhite Woods, owned by Ann Arbor Public Schools, and provide opportunity for invasive species control to maintain the integrity of the woods;
Whereas, The parcels provide better connectivity from Eberwhite Woods to the neighborhood; and
Whereas, The Parks Advisory Commission, at their November 18, 2008 meetin...
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