Resolution to Approve a Contract with Best Asphalt to Renovate Pathways at Cranbrook and Wurster Parks ($114,821.00)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a $114,821.00 contract with Best Asphalt to renovate pathways at Cranbrook and Wurster Parks.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the approved FY2018 Park Maintenance and Capital Improvement Millage budget ($68,303.00) and the approved FY2018 Parks Memorials & Contributions Fund ($58,000.00). A developer contribution for the 618. S. Main development earmarked for nearby parks for $58,000.00 will fund the vast majority of the Wurster pathways repairs.
The City has been making improvements to existing pathways that are in disrepair. The Cranbrook pathway was constructed in 1996, and the Wurster Pathway was last renovated in 1996. The path surfaces have multiple cracks, making it unsafe for pedestrians and bicyclists. Additionally, the access to the playground at Wurster Park is not barrier free, and these improvements will correct that situation.
Path repairs and reconstruction are identified in the CIP and PROS plan as park priorities. The project meets multiple Sustainability Goals, including:
? Safe Community
? Engaged Community
? Active Living and Learning
? Sustainable Systems
One bid was received by the City for this project:
Best Asphalt $114,821.00*
*Lowest responsible bidder.
Even though only one bid was received, this contractor has successfully completed multiple projects for Parks and Recreation and this bid amount is lower than staff estimated and in keeping with past projects of similar scale.
Staff is recommending awarding a contract to Best Asphalt in the amount of $114,821.00 for improvements to the pathways at Cranbrook and Wurster Parks. A 10% construction contingency ($11,482.00) is requested to cover potential contract change orders to be approved by the City Administrator. It is requested that a $126,303.00 contract a...
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