Resolution to Approve Fiscal Year 2011 Fee Adjustments for the Community Services Area
Attached for your consideration and approval is the resolution authorizing fee adjustments for FY 2011. Each year, in conjunction with the preparation of the budget, Service Units are requested to review license and fee revenues to determine if the costs of the services rendered are either covered by the fees or are appropriate in relation to comparative data.
When determining cost to serve, Service Units take into account increases in expenses such as labor, materials and supplies, equipment, and overhead costs. Some Service Unit costs to serve analysis resulted in an increase from the prior fiscal year and the recommended increase in fees reflects the higher cost to serve. Revenues are then budgeted based on the fee analysis. The proposed FY 2011 budget reflects these revenues.
Community Services is proposing fee increases in Parks and Recreation Services. There are various fees for recreation programs and services being proposed with variable rates based on demand, cost differentials, and benchmarking data. A comparison of common fees with those for other facilities in the region shows that our proposed fees are very competitive.
Proposed fee increases for Mack Pool and the Senior Center were developed as part of the task force process and have had significant public input. Increases in rink rental rates at the ice rinks are a result of extensive capital improvements in the past year and rising utility costs. There has been no fee increase since FY 2005 for Vets and FY 2007 for Buhr. Swim pass increases were last increased in FY 2006.
Fees in Planning and Development Services for rental housing inspections and planning are proposed to increase at a reasonable rate to come closer to recovering the full cost of this service. Planning staff have researched fees from several municipalities within and outside of the State of Michigan. Staff is pr...
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