Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Fonson Company, Inc. (ITB No. 4569, $853,846.00) and Appropriate the Remaining Fund Balance of $1,285,227.00 from the Maintenance Facility Capital Projects Fund and Amend the Existing Maintenance Facility Construction Project for the W.R. Wheeler (Swift Run) Service Center PUD Non-motorized Improvements - Phase 2 Project (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your approval is a resolution to authorize the award of a construction contract to Fonson Company, Inc. for $853,846.00 for the construction of a shared use asphalt path and other related work associated with the W.R. Wheeler (Swift Run) Service Center PUD Non-motorized Improvements - Phase 2 Project.
The Phase 2 project involves construction of a new 10-foot wide and approximately 2500-foot long shared use asphalt path on the east side of Stone School Road that will extend the existing path fronting the Wheeler Service Center property southerly to Morgan Road. This new path will fill the gap between the existing path, which the project will rehabilitate, and the timber boardwalk constructed during the Phase 1 project. Phase 2 improvements together with those completed during Phase 1 will fulfill the City's pedestrian connectivity obligations identified in the approved, as amended, Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site Plan for the City of Ann Arbor Swift Run Service Center Area Plan (RZ 04-01).
In addition to fulfillment of PUD requirements, staff believes that these non-motorized improvements will better serve the current transportation and recreation needs in the area.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The current City of Ann Arbor Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) includes the W.R. Wheeler (Swift Run) Service Center PUD Non-motorized Improvements (CIP ID/Name: TR-AT-16-02/Wheeler Center Area Sidewalks). Total project costs of $1,135,000.00, which include a construction contingency, project management and contract administration, construction engineerin...
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