Resolution to Approve Professional Services Agreement with CDM Michigan, Inc. for Engineering Services for the Stormwater Hydraulic Model Calibration & Analysis Project (RFP No. 813, $822,700.00)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution approving a professional services agreement for engineering and consulting services in the amount of $822,700.00 with CDM Michigan Inc. (CDM) for the Stormwater Hydraulic Model Calibration & Analysis Project. The resolution also provides a ten percent project contingency in the amount of $82,300.00.
In 2006, the City of Ann Arbor issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to complete the inventory of the stormwater system for integration with the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS) and then develop a citywide hydraulic stormwater model that would be used for analyzing and providing recommendations for the City’s stormwater management system. The project at that time was called the “Stormwater GIS/Model (SGM) Project” and was laid out with the following five phases:
? Phase I: Collect stormwater GIS data
? Phase II: Integrate the GIS with the model information and gather general monitoring data
? Phase III:Engage the public and perform preliminary model calibration
? Phase IV:Gather comprehensive monitoring data and finalize model calibration
? Phase V: Analyze modeling results and engage creekshed groups/neighborhoods
Due to available funding, a contract was awarded to CDM in 2007 to complete phases I and II only.
The City recently issued RFP 813 for engineering services to complete the above project, including preliminary and final calibration of the City’s stormwater hydraulic model, gathering and analyzing comprehensive rain and flow data, and performing a comprehensive analysis of and providing system recommendations on the City’s stormwater system. The work will also include community engagement activities throughout the project.
CDM was selected from a pool of six prospe...
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