Resolution to Approve Certain April 26, 2018, Recommendations of the Board of Insurance Administration
This resolution is submitted for City Council's approval of certain Board of Insurance Administration recommendations at its meeting on April 26, 2018, which was held for the purpose of determining pending claims against the City, conducting other business, and making recommendations to City Council.
Prepared by: Sarah Singleton, Management Assistant
Reviewed by: Tom Crawford, Financial Services Area Administrator and CFO
Abigail Elias, Chief Assistant City Attorney
Approved by: Howard Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Recommendations of approval or denial of claims in excess of $5,000.00 by the Board of Insurance Administration are submitted to City Council for approval; and
Whereas, The Board of Insurance Administration recommends denial of the following claim in excess of $5,000.00 considered at its meeting on April 26, 2018
CC016-18 Brian John Trim
Date of Loss: Between April 1987 - Present
Water Payment Reimbursement
Whereas, The Board of Insurance Administration at its April 26, 2018 meeting recommended approval of a one year extension of an agreement with CompOne Administrators, Inc., for workers' compensation third party administrative services;
Whereas, The Board of Insurance Administration at its April 26, 2018 meeting recommended approval of an agreement with Hylant Administrative Services (HAS) for risk management third party administrative services; and
Whereas, Separate resolutions for approval of the contracts with CompOne and with HAS will be brought to Council for consideration at a subsequent Council meeting and are not submitted for approval as part of this resolution;
RESOLVED, That the Board of Insurance Administration's recommended denial of the following claim in excess of $5,000.00 at its April 26, 2018 meeting be approved; and
CC016-18 Brian John Trim
DOL: Between April 1987 ...
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