Resolution to Approve Participation Agreement with Webster Township and Appropriate $590,257.00 from Open Space and Parkland Preservation Millage Bond Proceeds (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a Participation Agreement with Webster Township for the purchase of development rights on the Webster United Church of Christ Farm, tax parcel ID numbers C-03-26-200-006, C-03-26-200-008, C-03-26-300-003, in Webster Township. The resolution also approves an appropriation of funds in the amount of $590,257 from the Open Space and Parkland Preservation Bond Proceeds to complete this acquisition.
On May 18, 2009, Council approved a resolution (R-09-190) to submit an application to the Federal Farm and Ranchland Protection Program (FRPP) for the purchase of development rights on the Webster United Church of Christ Farm. The resolution approved the purchase of development rights, contingent on award of the Farm and Ranchland Protection Program grant funds. On June 25, 2009, the City received a letter from FRPP that the City was not awarded a grant for the property.
Since the grant funds were not received from FRPP, the landowners are willing to donate an additional 23 acres of land as a contribution. The additional 23 acres includes quality forestland, with oaks, shagbark hickory, black cherry and red maple. The additional acreage also includes Scadin Lake, which drains into the Arms Creek and is part of the Huron River Watershed. The total acreage included in the conservation easement will be approximately 94.4 acres.
The parent parcel is approximately 113.11 acres and is currently in agricultural production. The landowner is excluding approximately 18.69 acres from the easement, which include the buildings. The property is considered large enough to sustain agricultural production and is in a location that will encourage additional farmland preservation and agricultural preservation activities. The ...
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