Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement with GeoTrans, Inc. ($123,295.00) and Appropriate Funds ($135,625.00) and Extend the Contract for Two Additional Years ($220,629.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to approve Amendment No. 2 to the professional services agreement with GeoTrans, Inc. The amendment adds consulting services in the amount of $123,295.00 to assist with the resolution of a leachate outbreak, complete the off-site remedial action plan, complete the landfill closure process, repair the methane collection system, evaluate bioremediation options for vinyl chloride and assist the city with new greenhouse gas reporting requirements. An appropriation of funds from the solid waste enterprise fund balance in the amount of $135,625.00, including a $12,330.00 contingency, is required for these additional services.
The amendment also extends for two years the term of the contract for GeoTrans to continue to provide landfill monitoring and maintenance consulting services. The amount for these continued services over the two additional years is $220,629.00 and a contingency of $22,100.00 are subject to the availability of funding in each of the next fiscal years.
To satisfy the requirements of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Environmental (MDNRE), the groundwater and air in the vicinity of the landfill must be sampled and analyzed quarterly. The original contract entered into between the City and GeoTrans for these services was for three years, starting July 1, 2007, and GeoTrans has been satisfactorily performing these services at the landfill since July 1, 2007, and a continuation of these services is desired.
For many years, the city has worked to identify and contain a plume of 1,4 Dioxane contamination primarily in Southeast Area Park, northeast of the landfill. A slurry wall was constructed along approximately four-fifths of the b...
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