Resolution to Approve the Management Agreement with Washtenaw County to Administer the Barrier Busters Program and to Release the Fund Balance of $13,613.00 in the Ann Arbor Assistance Fund (0038) to Washtenaw County ($13,613.00 Ann Arbor Assistance Fund) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution for an agreement with Washtenaw County to manage the Barrier Busters program and authorization to release the fund balance in the Ann Arbor Assistance Fund to Washtenaw County.
City Council established the Ann Arbor Assistance Fund (0038) in 1984 as a mechanism by which individual donors and the business community could make tax-deductible donations to assist Ann Arbor residents to prevent eviction and utility shut-off. The Barrier Busters Emergency Unmet Needs Fund was established to receive funds from state, local, and private agencies that can be accessed by a single point of entry application to reduce barriers and resolve urgent or crisis situations for individuals and families in need.
Previously, the City of Ann Arbor maintained an agreement with the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation to manage the funds through Barrier Busters. In March 2008, administration of the Barrier Busters Emergency Unmet Needs Fund was transferred to the Office of Community Development as a Washtenaw County administered program. As a joint City/County office, Community Development is uniquely situated to coordinate the City and County funds contributed to the Barrier Busters Unmet Needs Fund. In support of this coordination effort, the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation cancelled its agreement with the City to administer the Ann Arbor Assistance Fund in August 2008.
The County will use and distribute the funds to provide assistance to Ann Arbor residents who are in danger of losing their housing or utility services because of serious financial problems. The County will require documentation as part of the application process to es...
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