Resolution to Approve a Purchase Order to Justice AV Solutions, Inc. for Courtroom Technology, Software, and Professional Services for the 15th District Court ($261,951.79)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution authorizing the creation of a purchase order to Justice AV Solutions, Inc. (JAVS) in the amount of $261,951.79 for the purchase of JAVS audio and video technology, software, and professional services for the 15th District Court courtrooms.
The existing courtroom technology is out-of-date and no longer being supported. The District Court and City IT sought proposals from 3 contractors and visited Washtenaw County courts to examine their courtroom technology. After evaluating all 3 solutions the 15th District Court is recommending replacing the current courtroom technology with JAVS software and systems.
JAVS is utilized by Washtenaw County and will provide the following benefits:
* A single courtroom experience for the city and the county when judges and court personnel move between courts.
* Better support and maintenance to court staff. City and County IT staff can collaborate on maintenance and support having the same courtroom systems, thus reducing downtime. Additionally, JAVS has a dedicated Field Service Technician that lives in Michigan and provides onsite service.
* JAVS systems operate on a closed network, thus court recording can occur even if the internet is out.
* Proceedings are recorded on purpose-built recorders, not a personal computer. Therefore, if a courtroom personal computer cannot function, the court can capture the proceedings.
* JAVS can integrate different hearing platforms (in-person, Zoom, hybrid) and evidence presentation into one record.
* JAVS can pull basic case information from the court's case management system into the court recorder's docket log.
* JAVS allows for both digital and analog playback.
Vendor pricing comparison:
* JAVS - $261,951.79
* Tel Systems - $246,717.07
* MDIS - ...
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