Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Doan Construction Company (Bid No. 4258, $748,576.87) for the 2013 Ramp & Sidewalk Repair Project
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to award a construction contract to Doan Construction Company in the amount of $748,576.87 for the 2013 Ramp & Sidewalk Repair Project.
The 2013 Ramp & Sidewalk Repair Project will consist of the repair of deficient sidewalks in approximately 20% of the City in 2013, as part of the second year of a 5-year program to perform maintenance on the City’s entire sidewalk system.
The project also includes the continued replacement of sidewalk curb ramps to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as required by our Consent Decree.
The Ramp & Sidewalk Repair Project is created as a unit price contract with the understanding that the actual quantities used in construction will vary. The attached map shows the areas of the City and their schedule for repair. Depending on the status of the budget upon completion of work in the identified areas, additional areas may be added to the contract to take advantage of favorable pricing.
Project specifications were distributed electronically to contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. Three bids were received and opened on February 15, 2013. The lowest responsible bid, in the amount of $748,576.87 is approximately $18,860.00 lower than the engineer's estimate of $767,435.00. A tabulation of the bids is also attached.
Doan Construction Company received Human Rights and Living Wage approval on February 20, 2013. All employees of Doan Construction Company, assigned to work on the project will receive compensation in accordance with the Living Wage Ordinance.
The project will be funded from the Street Resurfacing & Sidewalk Repair Millage that was approved by voters in November 2012.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., Interim Project Management Manager
Reviewed by: C...
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