Resolution to Approve a Purchase Order to VTP, Inc. for Upgrade to the Studio and Control Room for Community Television Network ($118,620.15) and for Appropriation of Funds ($90,000.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution authorizing a purchase order to VTP, Inc. in the amount of $118,620.15 for purchase and installation of upgraded studio and control room equipment at Community Television Network (CTN).
Funding for this purchase will require the appropriation of $90,000.00 from the CTN Fund Balance, with the remainder coming from the Production Equipment Fund in the approved FY2012 budget.
CTN will use this equipment to enable high definition video capture capabilities to productions for television and internet content, and allow CTN to better serve the City of Ann Arbor and the community at large with quality programming of high value to the City of Ann Arbor residents.
ITB-4200 was distributed on the Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network and received four bids. The bid tabulation is attached.
Thalner Electronic Labs $142,224.00
Great Lakes Media Supply $122,680.57
Pro Video Systems $129,291.00
VTP, Inc. $118,620.15
After CTN reviewed the four proposals, VTP, Inc. was determined to be the lowest responsible bidder.
VTP, Inc. received Human Rights approval on February 21, 2012, and complies with the provisions of the City's living wage ordinance. Approval of the purchase order to VTP, Inc., in the amount of $118,620.15 for the purchase and installation of upgraded studio and control room equipment for CTN is recommended.
Prepared by: Ralph Salmerón, CTN Manager
Reviewed by: Lisa Wondrash, Communications Unit Manager
Approved by: Steven D. Powers, City Administrator
Whereas, The City issued ITB-4200 in January 2012 for the purchase and installation of upgraded studio and control room equipment at Community Television Network (CTN);
Whereas, VTP, Inc. was the lowest respo...
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