Motion to Postpone Consideration of the Heritage Row PUD Zoning and Site Plan, and to Direct Staff to Revise the Project (6 Votes Required)
Whereas, City Council desires to reconsider the Heritage Row PUD project including the revisions proposed by the developer, City Place Ann Arbor, LLC, as detailed in the letter from Jeff Helminksi dated, October 3, 2011;
Whereas, City Council desires to receive additional public input on this project, once the revisions are incorporated into the PUD;
I move that reconsideration of the Heritage Row PUD Zoning Ordinance, and PUD Site Plan and Development Agreement be postponed, and that the Zoning Ordinance, including the revised supplemental regulations, be scheduled for first reading at the City Council meeting on October 17, 2011 and that a second reading of the PUD Zoning, and reconsideration of the Resolution to approve the PUD Site Plan and Development Agreement be considered at a regular meeting of City Council on October 24, 2011 following notice of the public hearing on that date, to be provided no later than October 9, 2011;
I move that the 2011 regular Council meeting schedule be amended to include a regular meeting of Council on October 24, 2011 at 7:00pm; and
I move that City Council direct the Planning and Development Services Unit and City Attorney's Office to incorporate the developer's letter proposal into the previously proposed PUD Zoning and Site Plan, and they review all the required revised plans, regulations and agreements submitted by the developer, in accordance with the requirements of the PUD ordinance, including making suggested changes, prior to Council consideration.
As Amended by Ann Arbor City Council on October 3, 2011