Resolution to Authorize City Staff to Evaluate Alternatives for Constructing a Sidewalk along Scio Church Road between Delaware Drive and South Maple Road, and to Appropriate Funds to Establish a Budget for this Analysis ($15,000.00) (8 Votes Required)
In August of 2012, a petition was received by the Public Services Area Administrator’s Office requesting the installation of sidewalks on the south side of Scio Church between Delaware Drive and Maple Road. The petition was signed by approximately 75 residents of the Churchill Downs neighborhood, located on the south side of Scio Church Road.
A public meeting was organized by residents and attended by City staff on October 16, 2012. At this meeting, residents discussed the needs related to sidewalk in this area, various alternatives that could be considered, and concerns that they may have with these alternatives.
The attached Resolution will authorize City staff to proceed with establishing and evaluating several alternatives for connecting the Churchill Downs subdivision with the existing pedestrian bridge that crosses I-94 at South Maple Road. These alternatives will draw from the ideas and concerns of residents at the aforementioned public meeting, and will include general concepts of what would be involved in constructing each alternative, as well as rough cost estimates associated with each.
After developing the conceptual alternatives and rough cost estimates, a public meeting will be held with residents to present and discuss the alternatives. After receiving feedback from the public, City Staff will recommend alternative(s) to City Council for approval and authorization to proceed with design.
This Resolution will also establish a budget of $15,000.00 to be appropriated from the City’s General Fund for the purpose of performing the alternatives analysis for this project.
Prepared by: Homayoon Pirooz, P.E., Project Management Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, P.E., Public S...
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