Resolution to Award a Contract for the Ann Arbor-Saline Road Pedestrian Bridge Replacement to CI Contracting Inc. ($181,291.00)
The attached resolution requests approval to award a contract to CI Contracting Inc. for the Ann Arbor-Saline Road Pedestrian Bridge Replacement Project in the amount of $181,291.00.
This project involves removing a failing timber pedestrian bridge located over Mallett’s Creek on the west side of Ann Arbor-Saline Road just north of Northbrook Drive, and installing a new, pre-fabricated steel bridge in the same location. The existing timber bridge had been compromised by runoff from a series of unusually heavy thunderstorms in July and August of 2009. Multiple daily attempts on the part of City staff to close the failing bridge with barricades were met with the public relocating the barricades to the side of the path. A temporary pedestrian bridge was placed in October, 2009 to service the pedestrian corridor and assure public safety, given the difficulty in limiting access to the existing timber bridge. This project includes removal of the timber bridge, the timber bridge support structures, restoration of the stream bank to a more natural embankment shape, planting of native species along the restored embankment, construction of additional support structures for the new pedestrian bridge, furnishing and installing of a new prefabricated pedestrian bridge and restoration of the bituminous non-motorized pathway approaches to the bridge.
The City received the following three bids for construction services:
CI Contracting Inc. $181,291.00
AnLaan Corporation $200,645.20
Posen Construction, Inc. $209,952.20
Since CI Contracting Inc. submitted the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $181,291.00, it is recommended that the bid from CI Contracting Inc. for $181,291.00 be accepted, and that CI Contracting Inc. be awarded the contract for the Ann Arbor-Saline Road Pedestrian Bridge Replacement Project. T...
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