Resolution Requesting ICE Stay the Deportation of Ann Arbor Resident Lourdes Salazar-Bautista
Whereas, Lourdes Salazar-Bautista has been a lawful, positive, contributing resident and tax payer of Ann Arbor for close to twenty years;
Whereas, Mrs. Salazar is the single mother of three children, all US citizens, aged 13, 15 and 20;
Whereas, Mrs. Salazar is facing an order of deportation on or before August 2, 2017 from the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE);
Whereas, The deportation of Mrs. Salazar will leave a 13-year old boy and 15-year old girl without a parent and without a legal guardian, or force her eldest daughter, an incoming sophomore at Michigan State University, to try and take care of them; and
Whereas, Mrs. Salazar-Bautista is the source of care and economic stability for this family and is essential for the continued development of all three of her children;
RESOLVED, That the City Council of Ann Arbor respectfully seeks that Ms. Rebecca Adducci, Field Director of the Detroit Office of Immigration and Customs, or any other capable official, issue a stay of deportation for Mrs. Salazar to allow her to continue to financially and emotionally support her family in Ann Arbor.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Warpehoski and Smith