Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Barrett Paving Materials, Inc. (ITB. 4205, $4,054,599.12) for the 2012 Street Resurfacing Project - Program B
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to award a construction contract to Barrett Paving Materials, Inc. in the amount of $4,054,599.12 for the 2012 Street Resurfacing Project - Program B.
The 2012 Street Resurfacing Project - Program B is the second of two resurfacing contracts for this year. We presented Program A to Council on April 2, 2012. This year’s resurfacing program includes more than double the number of streets typically included in our annual resurfacing program. Due to the expected workload, staff divided the project into two contracts as some contractors may not have the resources to handle the entire street list. Barrett Paving was the low bidder on both contracts and we believe they have the resources to successfully complete both projects.
Program B consists of the resurfacing of approximately 1 major street (Seventh Street) and 20 local streets located throughout the City. The street list has been attached. Construction is scheduled to begin approximately April 30, 2012 and to be completed in October 2012. A tentative timeframe for construction is shown, however, the exact schedule for each street will be adjusted to best coordinate with scheduled City events (such as Art Fair, U of M home football games, and in-session school days) and other road construction projects.
The Street Resurfacing Project is created as a unit price contract with the understanding that the actual quantities used in construction will vary. Reflecting this flexibility, if any streets on the existing list are removed for any reason, such as conflicts with other projects, need for extensive utility repair, or any other unforeseen circumstances, other streets within the city may be substituted. If the funds are depleted prior to the completion of all the streets listed on ...
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