Resolution to Approve a Services Agreement with Advanced Disposal Services Solid Waste Midwest, LLC for Solid Waste Transfer, Transport, and Disposal Services (Estimated at $1,722,850 for FY18; $1,752,204.00 for FY19; $1,782,149.00 for FY20; $1,812,093.00 for FY21; $1,842,742.00 for FY22)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve a five-year services agreement with Advanced Disposal Services Solid Waste Midwest, LLC (Advanced Disposal) to provide Solid Waste Transfer, Transport, and Disposal Services for the City, with an option to extend the contract for up to two additional five-year periods.
The City issued Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 17-05 to solicit proposals from contractors to perform solid waste transfer, transport, and disposal services for the City. More specifically, the services requested include: Operation of the City's Waste Transfer Station (TS), and transportation of the municipal solid waste materials to a permitted landfill facility for disposal; transport and disposal of dewatered centrifuge cake as well as trash, scum, grit and screenings from the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant; and, disposal of street sweepings, and vactoring material and soil from City utility construction/maintenance projects, with these materials being transported by the City to the designated disposal facility.
RFP No. 17-05 sought to procure a long-term, multi-year contractor for these essential City services. The City received three proposals from local disposal facilities Advance Disposal, Republic Services, and Waste Management of Michigan (WMM). All three teams were interviewed by a staff review committee. Following review of the proposals and the interviews, the recommendation of the committee is to award the contract to Advanced Disposal.
Due to the inability to determine the actual end of the need for these operating services and the unknown quantity of solid waste materials that will need to be handled during the...
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