Resolution to Approve a Residential Parking District in the Northside Neighborhood and Appropriate General Fund Unobligated Fund Balance ($6,000.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to establish a Residential Parking Permit (RPP) district in the Northside Neighborhood.
The streets to be included are as follows, excluding frontage for nonresidential properties:
Long Shore Drive 411 - 419, 603 & 611
Wright Street 1108 - 1320
Kellogg Street 602 - 608
Pontiac Trail 1029 - 1333
(Please see the attached map of the complete district)
Streets currently signed for "no parking" or other restrictions will remain the same. The inclusion of a street signed for "no parking" in the District allows residents fronting that street to be eligible to participate, obtain a permit and park on another RPP Designated street within the OFW RPP District.
The Northside Association has been in discussions with Councilmembers Kailasapathy and Briere because of the impending increase in parking demand associated with the weekend operations of the Argo Livery and Cascades. Members of the association successfully circulated petitions and collected signatures of well over the 60% minimum requirement to establish a district in the defined area. Implementation of the district, including installation of signage, mailings to eligible properties and sale of permits will take 2 to 4 weeks to complete after authorization by council. Permits for the district will available annually with the permits effective immediately this year and expiring October 31st, 2016.
The proposed Northside RPP District will prohibit parking between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Saturday, Sunday and holidays. The program will be seasonal, enforceable April 1st - October 31st annually.
In reviewing the district it was determined that the area does not meet criteria four for establishment of the district. However, the Public Services A...
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