Resolution to Petition the Washtenaw County Water Resources for the Design and Construction of Stormwater Management Control Measures in the Springwater Subdivision (Total Project Cost: $5,170,000.00; Stormwater portion: $1,450,000.00)
Attached for your approval is a resolution to petition the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner (WCWRC) to undertake a project to design and construct stormwater management control measures in the Springwater Subdivision. The streets included in the this project area include Nordman Rd., Butternut St., Springbrook Ave., and Redwood Ave. This neighborhood is located at the southwest corner of Platt and Packard Roads.
The proposed project will reconstruct existing roads in the subdivision using a traditional road surface, with management of stormwater through oversized stormwater pipe for volume storage and sediment removal. As the multi-year project moves forward, storm system improvements will be made as the road reconstruction is completed. The project will address roads in order of severity of conditions. The phased project will start construction in the late Fall of 2013, continuing over a 3 year period. In addition to road reconstruction and storm system improvements, the sanitary sewer will be lined to address inflow and infiltration issues and parts of the water main will be replaced.
These improvements to the stormwater system will reduce the amount of stormwater entering the City's stormwater piping network and reduce contaminant loading to the downstream creeks and the Huron River. The City is subject to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) restriction by the State of Michigan for biota (total suspended solids), E. coli and phosphorus. The proposed improvements will improve water quality and reducing localized flooding in the project areas.
Nearly 36% of the land draining to the Huron River and its tributaries is impervious, and as a result, stormwater frequently enters the River too q...
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